EZ Green Clean
1.7 Car Pack
Wash and dry your car inside and out with ease. No more foggy windshield. Wipe wheels clean with the Round Scrub. Soap is not necessary or recommended. Just try it once... Your car will shine like you paid a pro.
This pack includes: 2 All-Purpose Sponges to wash outside and inside, Tech Dust Cloth to dust dash, Round Scrub for the wheels, All-Surface Shine to dry inside and wheels, Glass Shine to dry outside and glass.
Care Instructions for your fibers
Wash dirty fibers in a lint-free laundry bag with liquid laundry soap. Hang fibers to dry or use permanent press cycle on dryer. Between washes, rinse wet fibers out with soap. Don’t use fabric softener or bleach, wash in dishwasher, use on hot surfaces or heat in microwave.